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Volume 26(3); June 1992
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Original Articles
Ovarian mature cystic teratoma with histologic features of chronic thyroiditis: Histologic analysis of 4 cases.
Doo Hyun Chung, Weon Seo Park, Soo Min Kang, Eun Sil Yu, Seong Hoe Park
Korean J Pathol. 1992;26(3):209-214.
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We have reviewed ovarian mature cystic teratomas with features of chronic thyroiditis that were diagnosed at the department of pathology, Seoul National University Hospital during 7 years, 1984-1991. Twenty three case(8%) containing thyroid tissue among 285 ovarian mature teratomas were available for histopathologic examination. Among these, 4 cases(1.4%) showed lymphocytic infiltration with lymphoid follicle formation. These four cases were examined according to the strict histologic criteria of autoimmune thyroiditis and reactive non-autoimmune thyroiditis for the purpose of differentiation of pathogenesis. Two cases were similar to autoimmune in nature and the other two cases simply seemed to reflect reactive features to adjacent stimulating elements. In conclusion, thyroid tissue present in ovarian cystic teratoma may have histologic features of chronic thyroiditis of either autoimmune or non-autoimmune origin.
Clinico-pathological Study on Hepatitis B virus-Associated Nephropathy.
Moon Hyang Park, Hae Sun Ahn
Korean J Pathol. 1992;26(3):215-228.
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To clarify the characteristics of HBV-associated renal lesions, renal biopsies obtained from 22 HBsAg seropositive patients(M:F=32:1) were studied. Other than two(age 4 and 12), all were adults(17-77 y.o.). Twelve of the patients had nephrotic syndrome(NS), 5 NS and hematuria(H), 10 proteinuria and H, one gross H, one microscopic H, and 4 normal urinalysis at the time of biopsy. Light microscopy showed minimal change lesion(MCL) in 9 cases, mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis(MSPGN) in 6, MPGN type I in 7, MPGN type III in 6, and mebranous nephropathy(MGN) in 5 cases. There were variable immunofluorescent(IF) findings of 25 cases studied; IF staining were predominant with IgG in 10 cases, with IgA in 5 and with IgM in 2 cases. Complements tended to be more strong for C1 &/or C4 than C3. In electron microscopic(EM) studies of MCL group, rare mesangial deposits were noted(3/5). In MSPGN, aside from mesangial deposits, there were occasional subendothelia(2/4) or subepithelial(1/4) deposits. In MPGN type I, in addition to the usual EM features of MPGN, some subepithelial deposits were also observed in 5 cases. In MGN, 3 out of 4 showed subendothelial deposits. Among 7 cases stained for HBsAg all were negative with IF and 2 were positive with PAP method. It is concluded that clinico-pathological findings of HBV-associated nephropathy are variable and partly show lupus-like features, different from primary glomerulopathy.
Combined Hepatocellular-Cholangiocarcinoma: Analysis of 8 cases with special reference to their growth patterns.
Yong Il Kim, Geun Kook Lee, Woo Ho Kim, Eun Sil Yu, Ghee Young Choe
Korean J Pathol. 1992;26(3):229-241.
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Eight cases of combine hepatocellular-cholangiocarcinoma(HCC-CC) of the liver were analysed along with their growth patterns and histologic subtypes to draw a possible implication in understanding of their histogenesis. The relative incidence of combined HCC-CC among the surgically resected primary carcinomas of the liver(485 cases) was 1.6%. The combination patterns varied and were classified as follows; the multinodular tumor, each consisting of HCC or CC element(type 1) was found in 1 case, the single tumor mass with two distinct compartments of HCC and CC(type 2) in 3, and the single tumor with random mixture of two elements(type 3) comprised the remaining 4 cases. Of the 7 cases of single tumor mass(type 2 and 3) HCC and CC comprised the major component in 5 and 2 cases, respectively. The histologic features of both HCC and CC elements were not different from those of isolated HCC and CC, except for two of CC element in type 3 which disclosed the intermediated differentiation or socalled cholangiolocellular carcinoma in part. We conclude that there is no significant difference in the relative incidence of combined HCC-CC among primary carcinomas of the liver and their subtypes compared to that in other countries, regardless of high incidence of both HCC and CC in Korea. Also, we discussed a possible histogenisis along a hypothesis that some of the combined HCC-CC be the consequence of interposition of different cell type from a new subclone into the growth of an initial single cell type of primary carcinoma of the liver.
Gastric Metaplasia in Duodenum.
Young Lyun Oh, Mi Kyung Kim, Woo Ho Kim, Yong Il Kim
Korean J Pathol. 1992;26(3):242-246.
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The partial replacement of the human duodenal mucosa by epithelial cells containing gastric-type mucus(gastric metaplasia) is not an uncommon finding, and an emphasis on its etiological role in duodenal ulcerogenesis has been proposed. It is unclear, Furthermore, all the previous studies were done with endoscopic biopsy specimens. We reviewed a total of 118 surgically resected stomachs with attached duodenal stumps(24 cases of gastric ulcer, 15 duodenal ulcer and 79 advanced gastric cancer). The gastric-type mucous cells were homogeneously stained red with PAS in contrast to the intestinal cells which gave a strong PAS stainability only along the the brush border. The gastric metaplasia was seen near the tips or on the sides of the villi and occasionally in the crypts. It was observed in 8 cases(53%) in duodenal ulcer, 12 cases(50%) in gastric ulcer and 29 cases(37%) in gastric cancer. There were no significant statistical differences in incidence among the groups. Nevertheless, diffuse form of gastric metaplasia was more prevalent in patients with duodenal ulcer(p<0.05).
Changes of the Kupffer Cell Number in the Course of Metastasis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma.
Chan Il Park, Yee Jeong Kim, Young Nyun Park, Sun Hee Sung
Korean J Pathol. 1992;26(3):247-252.
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The number of Kupffer cells was evaluated in hepatocellular carcinomas, including 18 primary lesions, 3 tumor emboli within the portal vein radicles and 4 metastatic lesions and in non-neoplastic liver adjacent to the primary lesions, to persue the origin of Kupffer cells dwelling in hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatocellular carcinomas of the sinusoidal(trabecular) type were carefully selected, and excluded were those carcinomas which showed inflammation or other changes evoking inflammation. The immunohistochemical stains for CD 68 and lysozyme were done to identify Kupffer cells and to draw the mean Kupffer cell number per high power microscopic field of each lesion. Kupffer cell was most numerous in primary lesions followed by tumor emboli and still fewer in metastatic lesions. The Kupffer cell number in the primary lesions of hepatocellular carcinoma was in turn smaller than that of the adjacent non-neoplastic liver. The results suggest that, during the early neoplastic transformation, sinusoids of the non-neoplastic liver could creep into the carcinomatous tissue accompanying Kupffer cells.
The Study of Cell Killing Mechanism by Membrane Attack Complexes of Complement in the Nucleated Cells.
Sang Ho Kim, Sung Hak Park, Myung Hoon Chun
Korean J Pathol. 1992;26(3):253-269.
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The mechanism of cytolysis by complement attack of nucleated cells(NC) is of special interest in comparison to that of red blood cells. It is known that NC death by membrane attack comples, C5b-9, is caused by many factors, i.e., efficiency of complex assembly, activation of intrinsic metabolic pathway by signal transduction, cytotoxic effect of the channel itself and natural repair ability. These factors suggest that colloid osmotic lysis, known in red blood cells, does not fully explain the complement-mediated cell death of NC. In this study, the authors investigated correlation between biochemical and morphological changes to prove "Ca2+-mediated metabolic death"8~13) representing a mechanism of NC death caused by C5b-9 attack. The L1210 cells, mouse leukemic cell line carrying small complement channel(TAC5b-91) were used in the experiments. The amounts of intracellular adenine nucleotides to extracellular Ca2+, ouabain, KC1 and dextran were analyzed by bioluminescence method using luminometer. Cell viability was checked by 0.4% trypan blue dye and LDH release. Morphological observation of TAC5b-91 was done by immunocytochemical staining and electron microscope. The results were as follows: 1) The release of ATP, ADP and AMP followed by cell death was rapid and progressive along the incubation time at 37 degrees C and it was accelerated in 1.5 mM of [Ca2+]0. 2) There was no evidence of ATP repairment in the TAC5b-91. 3) Extracellular KC1(150 mM), dextran(0.66 mM) and ATP supplement(0.2 microM) could not effectively inhibit ATP depletion and cell death. Ouabain(27 and 100 microM) enhanced cell death and could not completely prevent ATP loss. 4) Most of the mitochondria showed swelling, loss of cristae and Ca2+ deposit in matrix in the electron microscopic observation. Rapid, sustained and irreversible depletion of adenine nucleotides was due to Ca2+ deposit with destruction of mitochondria and also the leakage through transmembrane channels. Moreover this energy depletion was accelerated by high extracellular Ca2+ concentration. These results indicate that Ca2+-mediated, energy exhaustion is one of the mechanisms of the metabolic cell death by C5b-9 attack of NC.
Eosinophilic Granuloma of the Lung.
Sang Ae Yoon, Won Bo Jo, Yang Seok Chae, Kap No Lee
Korean J Pathol. 1992;26(3):270-276.
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Eosinophilic granuloma of the lung, first described by Farrinaci et al. in 1951, is rare. A 35-year-old male smoker presented with recurrent pneumothorax. Open thoracotomy with bleb resection and biopsy was performed. Microscopically there was histological changes consistent with typical eosinophilic granuloma and intertitial fibrosis. The Langerhans cells showed positive reaction for S-100 protein and typical Birbeck granules in their cytoplasm. A brief summary of histopathological aspect of this disease and a review of literature are presented.
Case Reports
Infantile Solitary Eosinophilic Granuloma of the Lymph Node: A case report.
Sun Hee Sung, Woo Ick Yang, Jae Ok Kim
Korean J Pathol. 1992;26(3):277-282.
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Infantile form of histiocytosis X is commonly presented as multiorgan desseminated form such as Letterer-Siwe disease. Lymph node involvement of histiocytosis X is usually accompanied by adjacent bone or skin lesion. Solitary nodal eosinophilic granuloma without evidence of other organ involvement is very rare. A case herein report is a 11 month-old female infant presented with fever and palpable both inguinal lymph nodes. There was neither skin lesion nor hepatosplenomegaly. Laboratory evaluation was within normal range except increased alkaline phosphatase and many neutrophils in urine. Radiologic examination revealed no remarkable bone lesions. And she showed good clinical outcome without evidence of other organ involvements. On microscopic examination of inguinal lymph node it was replaced by infiltration of histiocytes mainly along the sinusoid. Some of histiocytes showed morphologic features of "histiocytosis X cell" having nuclear grooves or multilobulation. Multinulceated giant cells were frequently see. Numerous eosinphils were also infiltrated and showed multifocal microabscess formation. Immunohistochemical staining revealed that majority of histiocytes were postitive for S-100 protein but multinucleated histriocytes, phagocytic histiocytes and those around the abscess were positive for macrophage marker, suck as CD68 and alpha-1-antichymotrypsin. Interestingly some histiocytes showed positivity for both S-100 protein and macrophage marker. These results suggest that histiocytosis X is proliferative disorder of phenotypically heterogenous population of histiocytes in contrast to the theory that it is a proliferative disorder of Langerhans cells.
Tracheal Agenesis: Report of an autopsy case.
Kyeong Mee Park, Yoen Lim Suh, Shin Kwang Kang, Jong Guk Lee
Korean J Pathol. 1992;26(3):283-287.
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Tracheal gaenesis is an extremely rare congenital anomaly and is characterized by totally or partially undeveloped trachea. In many instances, the lesion has been associated with malformations in other organ systems. This anomaly is classified into 3 types based on developmental period of the respiratory tract. We report a case of tracheal agenesis with tracheoesophageal fistula in a 2-hour-old male. Postmortem examination revealed that the upper and mid portion of the trachea was absent but 1 cm segment of the trachea above the carina was present. The proximal end to this trachea opened to the esophagus by a fistula, 1 cm in diameter. The well-formed larynx ended blindly in a fibrous sac at which thyroids and cartilage islands are noted. Associated anomalies were bilobed right lung and single umbilical artery.
Multiple Fibromuscular Dysplasia of Arteries with Aneurysm Formation: A case report.
Soo Min Kang, Sang Yong Song, Yong Il Kim, Sung Kwon Kim, Jung Sang Lee, Sang Joon Kim
Korean J Pathol. 1992;26(3):288-292.
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Multiple involvement of arterial fibromuscular dysplasia is unusal and such a case is quite limited in the literature. We present a case of multiple arterial fibromuscular dysplasia with aneurysm formation in a 38-year-old non-hypertensive man. Angiographic study showed multiple aneurysmal dilatations of the right renal, superior mesenteric, celiac axis, and left colic arteries. The resected right kidney demonstrated an aneurysm of the main renal artery and extensive infarction in the midportion of the renal parenchyma. The segmentally resected superior mesenteric artery disclosed a similar nature of aneurysm occluded by recent thrombi. Microscopically, all the resected arterial walls showed both intimal and medial fibroplasia together with periadventitial fibrosis resulting in marked narrowing of the lumen and subsequent thrombus formation.
Liposarcoma of the Breast in Male: Report of a case.
Jong Boum Choi, Sung Churl Lim, Keun Hong Kee, Ho Jong Jeon, Chae Hong Suh
Korean J Pathol. 1992;26(3):293-297.
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Liposarcoma of the male breast is rare. In English literature, nearly 90 tumors of this type can be found, but the majority of citation is female without detail descriptions of gross or microscopic features. Recently, we experienced a case with pleomorphic liposarcoma of the breast. This 62-year-old male patient presented with tumorous mass of right breast for 3 months ago. He underwent radical mastectomy under the impression of breast cancer. Received specimen was a breast and attached nodular bulging mass. The serial section reveal a relatively defined nodular mass consists of yellowish and glistened bulging tumorous lesion, measuring 5x4.5x5cm. Microscopically, there were multiple pleomorphic giant cells composed of plump esoinophilic or microvesiculated cytoplasm and bizarre nuclei with prominent nucleoli. These cells were positive staining for oil-red O. Ultrastructurally, variable sized numerous fatty vacuoles in the cytoplasm were seen.
Angiofollicular Lymph Node Hyperplasia(Castleman's disease): 3 cases report.
Jeong Hee Park, Gil Ro Han, Hee Jin Chang, Jin Hee Sohn, Jung Il Suh
Korean J Pathol. 1992;26(3):298-305.
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Angiofollicular lymph node hyperplasia(AFLNH) was first described in 1956 by Castleman et al. It was initially reported as a solitary mediastinal mass but multicentric and extranodal disease is now well known. Histologically two distinct variants, e.g. the hyaline vascular type and the plasma cell type, of AFLNH are recognized. And the plasma cell type is typically associated with clinical syndrome consisting of fever, anemia, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate and polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia. Recently, we experineced three cases of AFLNH. Histologically, two cases were hyaline vascular type, that were presented as a right supraclavicular mass of 49-year-old female, and as an anterior mediastinal mass of 53-year-old female. The remaining one case was plasma cell type that was presented as a left axillary mass of 63-year-old male. The former two cases showed typical features of hyaline vascular type but in case 1, exuberant proliferation of hyalinized vessels of capillary size was characteristic feature. The latter case of plasma cell type characteristically showed clinical syndrome consisting of fever, hypoalbuminemia, polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia. All cases were presented as a single mass and they were well after surgical excision.
Primary Appendiceal Papillary Adenocarcinoma of Colonic Type: Report of a case.
Yun Kyung Kang, Ghee Young Choe, Yong Il Kim, Kuk Jin Choe
Korean J Pathol. 1992;26(3):306-309.
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We report a case of colonic type-papillary adenocarcinoma of appendiceal origin in a 73-year-old male patient. The patient presented with right lower quadrant mass and was operated for a preoperative diagnosis of inflammatory small bowel mass. The mid one-third of the appendix showed a 3.5x3.3 cm sized, broad-based, intraluminal papillary mass. Microscopically, it was a well differentiated papillary adenocarcinoma and revealed a strong immunoreactivity to carcinoembryonic antigen. Tumor desmoplasia and acute inflammatory change were prominent.
Original Article
Macrophage/dendritic Cell Marker Staining Characteristics of Langerhans cell Granulomatosis(Histiocytosis X).
Sang Ae Yoon, In Sun Kim
Korean J Pathol. 1992;26(3):310-313.
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Histiocytosis X is characterized by aggregates of Langerhans cells with other inflammatory cells. These Langerhans cells are antigen-presenting cells to T lymphocytes and identified by characteristic morphology, ultrastructural demonstration of Birbeck granules and immunologic reactivity with OKT-6 and HLA-DR antibodies. In this report, the tumor arising in a 2-years-old baby was examined byimmunostaining with several macrophage/dendritic cell markers. The main tumor cells showed cytoplasmic and nuclear staining with S-100 protein and ring-like surface and paranuclear staining with PNA. However, they were negative for follicular dendritic cell marker CD21, macrophage markers lysozyme, Mac 387, alpha-1 antitrypsin and CD68, and interdigitating reticulum cell marker ID4 and ID5. These observations demonstrate the usefulness of S-100 protein and PNA for the identification of Langerhans cells in paraffin-embedded tissue.
Case Report
Multilocular Cystic Renal Cell Carcinoma: A case report.
Ki Jung Yun, Weon Cheol Han, Chan Choi, Hyung Bae Moon, Joung Sik Rim
Korean J Pathol. 1992;26(3):314-316.
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Multilocular cystic renal cell carcinoma appears to be a distinct and rare subtype of renal cell carcinoma with characteristic gross and microscopic features. Multilocular cystic renal cell carcinoma should be separated from multilocular cyst, multilocular cystic nephroma, and renal cell carcinoma with cystic degeneration. We present a case of multilocular cystic renal cell carcinoma. A 61-year-old man presented with right flank pain for 4 years. The computerized tomography revealed multilocular cystic mass in the upper pole of right kidney. The cystic mass measured 4.5x4 cm. The cyst was multilocular and locules not communicated with each other. The solid area was not present. Microscopically, the locules were lined by flat or cuboidal neoplastic clear cells. The clear cells were focally aggregated in the septa. The nephron was not present in the septa.

J Pathol Transl Med : Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine