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Volume 25(4); August 1991
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Original Articles
A Study of Lectin Histochemistry in Allergic Contact Dermatitis of Guinea Pig.
Joung Ho Han, Eun Sook Nam, Young Chul Kye, Han Kyeom Kim, Seung Yong Paik
Korean J Pathol. 1991;25(4):281-290.
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The alterations in the localization of keratinocyte membrane glycoconjugates in allergic contact dermatitis were investigated in guinea pig skin treated with topical application of 2.4-dinitro-chlorobenzene. We employed the avidin-biotin complex(ABC) method for the detection of localization of 10 commercially available lectins labelled with biotin: Con-A, SBA, WGA, DBA, UEA-1, RCA-1, PNA, HP, MPA, and ECA. Staining with WGA showed a remarkably decreased intensity in basal and spinous layers of the allergic skin in comparison to those of the control skin, suggesting loss of terminal sialic acids in cell membrane glycoconjugates. The other lectins showed no remarkable difference in the staining patterns between the normal and the allergic ski. The results suggest that epidermal cell membrane glycoconjugates undergoes selective perturbations in acute allergic contact dermatitis, and that the keratinocytes might be an active part of the cutaneous immune system.
Immunohistochemical Expression of Neuron Specific Enolase-Positive Cells in Gastric Adenocarcinomas.
Ghee Young Choe, Yong Il Kim
Korean J Pathol. 1991;25(4):291-304.
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In order to correlate the frequency of neuroendocrine cells with pathologic parameters in gastric adenocarcinomas, immunoperoxidase staining for neuron specific enolase was performed on 250 consecutive cases of surgically resected gastric adenocarcinomas(201 advanced gastric carcinomas[AGCs], 49 early gastric carcinomas[EGCs] and 2 cases of gastric carcinoid tumors. Of the 252 cases of gastric carcinomas, pure exocrine carcinomas were 174 cases(69%), pure neuroendocrine(NE) carcinomas 2 cases(0.8%), mixed exocrine and NE carcinomas 32 cases(12.7%), and exocrine carcinomas with occasional NE cells 44 cases(17.5%). The frequency of gastric carcinomas with NSE-positive cells increased with age proportionally. NSE positivity was higher in polypoid or fungating tumors(AGC Borrmann type I, II, EGC I and IIa) than ulcerative or scirrhous tumors. There was no significant difference in frequency of NSE-positive cells by histologic type and differentiation of gastric adenocarcinomas. The above findings reflect that most gastric carcinomas are heterogeneous in their constituents and suggest that both exocrine and neuroendocrine carcinomas are the expression of the extreme ends of the exocrine-endocrine differentiation spectrum based on the assumption that they develop from the pluripotent stem cells differentiating into both exocrine endocrine carcinomas.
Morphometric Study on Mucinous Tumors of the Ovary.
Joo Seub Keum, Jung Dal Lee
Korean J Pathol. 1991;25(4):305-317.
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Mucinous tumors of the ovary are the most common tumors arising from the common epithelium of the ovary in Korean. Distinguishing the tumor with borderline malignancy from mucinous cystadenocarcinoma is very important in determining proper therapeutic modalities and prognosis. Authors have undertaken morphometric analysis of various parameters from both borderline lesions and carcinomas of mucinous nature of the ovary. In each, five cases of the borderline and malignant tumors were subjected to be evaluated. Various cytologic and histologic parameters were analyzed using Kontron IBAS-I. 1) The most helpful parameter-for differentiation between borderline and malignant mucinous tumors is cell concentration (sensitivity 80%, specificity 80%). The discrimination value is more than 35 cells per 100 micrometer of the basement membrane length. If the cellular concentration is higher than the discriminating value, that indicates malignancy. 2) Tumor cell height, though it is other parameter of stratification, is not helpful for differentiation of the two lesions. 3) Cytologic atypia, either in size or in form, can not be a criterion distinguishing the borderline from malignancy. 4) Papillary growths can not be a criterion of either borderline and malignant lesions. 5) The degree of irregularity at tumor-stroma interface is not helpful for differentiation between borderline and malignancy.
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis: A Clinicopathologic Analysis of Four Cases.
Mi Kyung Kim, Yong Il Kim, Hyo Suck Lee, Chung Yong Kim
Korean J Pathol. 1991;25(4):318-326.
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Primary biliary cirrhosis, a chronic, progressive, and often fatal cholestatic liver disease, is characterized by destruction of intrahepatic bile ducts, portal inflammation and scarring, and the eventual development of cirrhosis and liver failure. We reviewed four cases of primary biliary cirrhosis primarily suspected with peritoneoscopic liver biopsy specimens. All patients were female and their age ranged from 29 to 50 years(median age: 43.8 years). Presenting symptoms were typically pruritus and/or upper abdominal discomfort. On physical examination, interus was presented in 3; hepatomegaly in 3; chronic liver disease stigmata in one. Co-existing autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto' thyroiditis and Sjoegren' syndrome were found in 2 cases. Biochemical tests of liver function revealed a cholestatic pattern. An antimitochondrial-antibody test was positive in 2 out of 3 patients(75%). Increase levels of serum immunoglobulins, especially of IgM, were evident in 3 cases. Histologic staging(Ludwig et al.) disclosed stage I lesion in one, stage III in two, and stage IV in the remaining one.
Distribution of S-100 Protein Positive Dendritic Cell and its Correlation with Degree of Malignancy in Gastric Carcinoma.
Tae Jung Jang, Woo Ick Yang, Chan Il Park, In Joon Choi
Korean J Pathol. 1991;25(4):327-337.
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The present study was performed in order to investigate the correlation among the number of T zone histiocytes, the clinicopathologic parameters and the patient's survival. The subjects in this study were 131 advanced gastric carcinomas including 86 follow-up cases and 41 early gastric carcinomas. The infiltration of T zone histiocytes into tumor tissues was investigated using the immunohistochemical method with andti s-100 protein, nd the data obtained were evaluated statistically. T zone histiocytes were scattered among the cancer cells and in areas formed clusters within the cancer stroma. These cells were abundantly present in tumor tissues and around lymphoid follicles but were rarely seen in surrounding normal stomach tissue. Analysis of the number of T zone histiocytes showed no correlation between the number of T zone histiocytes and the clinicopathologic features except the degree of lymphocytic infiltration within the advanced and the early gastric carcinomas. Survival of the patients with a marked infiltration of T zone histiocytes in stage III was longer than that with mild infiltration of T zone histiocytes, but there was no statistical significance(P value=0.084). Multivariate regressio analysis revealed that the depth of invasion(P value=0.0074) and the lymphocytic infiltration(P value=0.0152) were the important prognostic factors. The results indicate that good prognosis is expected in cases with less deep invasion and high lymphocytic infiltration, and that the number of T zone histiocytes is in proportio to the degree of lymphocyte infiltration within the tumor, although not directly correlated with the patient's survival.
Morphometric Analysis of Cirrhotic Nodules in Hepatocellular Carcinoma-bearing Livers.
Gyeong Hoon Kang, Yong Il Kim
Korean J Pathol. 1991;25(4):338-345.
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It has been well known that liver cirrhosis, regardless of its etiology, is an important predisposing factor in hepatocarcinogenesis. However, the type of cirrhosis in hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)-bearing liver varies not only by geographic areas but also with the cirteria applied for morphological classification of cirrhosis. To elucidate the relationship between the nodule size of HCC-bearing cirrhotic liver and clinicopathologic features, we measured cirrhotic nodule areas of 49 surgically resected HCC cases using image analyzer. The morphological type of cirrhosis was predominantly macronodular(49%), and followed by mixed(37%) and micronodular(14%). Seventy percent of the cases showed seropositivity for HBsAg. The average area of cirrhotic nodules was significantly larger in HBsAg-positive cases(mean: 6.14 mm2) than that of HBsAg-negative cases(mean: 2.5 mm2)(p<0.05), and their size was bigger in cases with grossly expansile pattern of HCC than those cases with infiltrative ones(p<0.05). Based on the above findings, we assume that seropositivity of HBsAg may influence on the regenerative activity of cirrhotic nodules and also subsequent increase of risk for further development of HCC. The presence of cirrhohsis and nodule size seem to be the important contributing factors to determine the growing patterns of HCC.
DNA Ploidy and S-Phase Fraction in Proliferative Hepatic Lesions of Rat Liver Induced by Dietylnitrosamine and Partial Hepatectomy.
Chan Choi, Sung Hee Cho, Hyung Bae Moon, Ki Jung Yun, Hun Taeg Chung, Sang Woo Juhng
Korean J Pathol. 1991;25(4):346-356.
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We have investigated the changes of DNA ploidy and S-phase fraction in proliferative lesions of rat liver. Proliferative lesions were induced by diethylnitrosamine and partial hepatectomy. DNA ploidy was measured by flow cytometer, and S-phase fraction was measured by in situ bromodeoxyuridine(BRdU)-anti BRdU monoclonal antibody techniques. Normal liver and initiated lesion revealed DNA diploidy or DNA tetraploidy. Hepatocyte nodule (NODULE) and hepatocelular carcinoma (HCC) revealed DNA diploidy, tetraploidy or aneuploidy. S-phase fraction was 1.0+/-0.9, 1.0+/-0.9m 3.7+/-2.3, 5.5+/-4.9, and 13.8+/-11.6 in normal liver, initiated lesion, NODULE not associated with HCC, NODULE associated with HCC, and HCC, respectively. In NODULE associated with HCC, it was widely distributed, ranging from 0.8 to 15.5%. In conclusion, S-phase fraction appeared to be increased as the hepatocarcinogenesis proceeded, but DNA ploidy did not. There was a heterogeneity of DNA ploidy and S-phase fraction in the proliferative hepatic lesions.
Case Reports
Eccrine Poroma: A report of five cases.
Young Shin Kim, Seok Jin Kang, Byoung Kee Kim, Sun Moo Kim
Korean J Pathol. 1991;25(4):357-362.
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The eccrine poroma was described first by Pinkus et al. in 1956 as a subgroup of benign solid hidradenoma with the histologic structure resembling acrosyringium. The histologic appearance of eccrine poroma greatly resembles that of seborrheic keratosis and basal cell carcinoma. But the clinical lesion is fairly unique and the tumor is most commonly found almost exclusively on the foot, in the skin of the plantar surface. During the past four years, the authors experienced five cases of eccrine poroma which were diagnosed by histopathological examination of the tumor mass. All the cases occurred in the sole and lateral sides of the foot as well. Clinical and pathological features were reviewed and a brief review of the literatures was done.
Cavernous Hemangioma of the kidney: Report of a case.
Won Sang Park, Young Dae Kim, Ki Hwa Yang, Sun Moo Kim
Korean J Pathol. 1991;25(4):363-366.
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Hemangioma of the kidney is a relatively uncommon tumor, which is most commonly located in the tip of the papilla. This lesion is usually small and has been found incidentally at postmorten examination. About 200 cases of renal hemangioma have been reported since Virchow's original report in 1876. In renal hemangioma, cavernous hemangioma is the most common type. They can create diagnostic problem for the clinician and the radiologist. We experienced a case of renal cavernous hemangioma in the medulla of the upper pole. The patient was a twenty-seven-year-old male who had gross hematuria and right flank pain. A nephrectomy was performed. An ill-defined mass, 4.5x3.0x1.5 cm, was observed around the pelvis. Microscopically, the tumor mass was hemangioma of the cavernous type.
Cytopathologic Observation of Primary Malignant Melanoma of the Lung: A case report.
Yun Mee Kim, Jong Hee Nam, Min Cheol Lee, Joo Yong Yoo, Kyu Hyuk Cho
Korean J Pathol. 1991;25(4):367-375.
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The pulmonary cytology has reached a high level of accuracy. By the examination of the sputum and/or bronchial brushings, it is now possible to make a diagnosis in 70% to 90% of patients with cancer. Primary melanoma of the lung is very rare and there have been reported about 20 cases in the world literature. We present a case of primary malignant melanoma of the lung in a 61-year-old male diagnosed by cytologic examination of sputum, bronchial brushing and aspirated pleural fluid. Histologic examination of bronchoscopic biopsy and examination of the skin and other primary sites confirmed the diagnosis.
Primary Chondrosarcoma of the Lung: A case report.
Yong Wook Park, Seong Nam Kim, Jae Hyung Yoo, Kye Yong Song, Sung Ho Hue
Korean J Pathol. 1991;25(4):376-381.
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Primary chondrosarcoma of the lung is an extremely rare tumor, and classified into two types, tracheobronchial & lung variety. The tracheobronchial variety is usually localized and lacked lymph nodal or distant spread with good prognosis. The lung variety tends to be more invasive associated with mediastinal lymph node involvement and thoracic metastasis. Authors experienced a case of primary chondrosarcoma, lung variety, of the lung involving left lower lobe with thoracic metastasis, not yet reported in Korean literatures. The patient was 55-year-old Korean female and chief complaints were cough, dyspnea & chest pain. Pathologically, it was confused with the metastatic adenocarcinoma in the first pleural fluid cytology. But bronchoscopic biopsy revealed typical morphology of chondrosarcoma with concentric growth encircling the bronchial tree and partial destruction of the bronchiols, suggesting its primary origin. Later pleural biopsy and aspiration materials during ches tube insertion revealed also metastatic chondrosarcoma. Radiologic studies were also campatible findings to chondrosarcoma. After admision, the patient underwent progressively downhill course & expired at 31st hospital day.
Adenosquamous Carcinoma of the Stomach: Report of three cases with immunohistochemical study.
Chang Won Ha, Na Hye Myong, Kyung Ja Cho, Ja June Jang
Korean J Pathol. 1991;25(4):382-386.
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Adenosquamous carcinoma originating in the stomach is relatively rare, and the occurrence of such tumor is interesting with respect to its histogenesis. We describe three cases of gastric adenosquamous carcinoma in a 39-year-old man, a 58-year-old woman and a 52-year-old man. They were grossly classified as Borrmann type III or II, revealing no difference from usual advanced gastric adenocarcinomas. Microscopically three cases showed well or moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma component occupying large areas of the tumors. Areas of transition from glandular to squamous epithelium were frequently observed. Metastatic foci in the regional lymph nodes also were consisted of two elements. On immunohistochemical study, CEA immunoreactivity was found not only in adenocarcinoma component but also in squamous cell components, in comparison to cytokeratin which was detected only in squamous areas. The immunohistochemical findings of CEA reactivity in both components, and the presence of microscopic transitional zones support the hypothesis of squamous metaplasia occurring in an already existing adenocarcinoma in the development of adenosquamous carcinoma of the stomach.
Placetnal Findings of Septic Abortion Caused by Listeria Monocytogenes: A case report.
Kyu Rae Kim, Hee Mo Kim, Joo Yeon Cho, Kyung Sub Cha
Korean J Pathol. 1991;25(4):387-391.
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Since human listeriosis was firstly described by Nyfeldt in 1929, Listeria monocytogenes as a cause of septic abortion has been well known. It primarily affects pregnant woman and neonates, the elderly, and persons with immune-system dysfunction due to immunosuppressive drugs, malignant tumors or AIDS. Although several large epidemic listeriosis have been reported in the English literatures, it is still an underdiagnosed and underreported cause of congenital sepsis and septic abortion, because it is not always easy to isolate the organism in culture. There are 17 cases reports of Listeria monocytogenes infection in Korea, however, most of which were described about the bascteriologically proven cases. We describe placental findings of a septic abortion caused by Listeria monocytogenes at 15 weeks gestation in a 23-year-old primigravida woman. Placental examination showed characteristic and relatively specific patterns of granulomatous microabscesses composed of necrotic nuclear debris in the center and surrounding epithelioid histocytes enmeshed in fibrin between the acutely inflamed villi. There were numerous gram positive bacilli on Brown-Brenn stain.
Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma in Maxillary Sinus: A case report.
Gyeong Yeob Gong, Chang Hun Lee, Kang Suek Suh, Sun Kyung Lee
Korean J Pathol. 1991;25(4):392-394.
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Metastases to the sinonasal tract are infrequent occurrences from primaries below the clavicles. The total number of reported cases to date is less than 100. There is, however, complete unanimity concerning the histologic type of metastatic neoplasm most often encountered. An interesting phenomenon, generally attributable only to breast and renal cell carcinoma, is the late recurrence of the malignant tumor, even 10 or more years after operation. A 61 year-old-male was admitted to ENT due to frequent epistaxis and right facial swelling. CT scan revealed a huge soft tissue density mass I right maxillary sinus with extension into nasopharynx and deviation of nasal septum. The histologic diagnosis was metastatic renal cell carcinoma. He had left nephrectomy because of renal cell carcinoma, 14 years ago. We report a case of metastatic renal cell carcinoma of maxillary sinus in view of rarity, and a brief review of the literature related to this type of tumor is presented.

J Pathol Transl Med : Journal of Pathology and Translational Medicine